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Villa Saint Nicolas, pool, Péloponnèse CityCosy

Dorio, Greece
6 Bedrooms
3 Bathrooms
10 Guests

Le logement

Villa Saint Nicolas Villa. 3 chambres privées de 2 personnes (6personnes, possibilité de couchages supplémentaires), piscine privative, jardin fruitier et vue panoramique sur les champs d’oliviers. Petit déjeuner offert.
La Villa se trouve à l’extérieur du village de Psari au cœur de la nature, elle est entourée des montagnes de la région et possède une vue imprenable sur les champs d’oliviers. Elle dispose d’un jardin luxuriant d’arbres fruitiers, d’oliviers.
Dans ce jardin sont intégrés plusieurs terrasses, une piscine de 70 M² et une profondeur atteignant 2.80M, ainsi qu’une douche extérieure.
La maison sur plusieurs niveaux (ascenseur) offre 4 chambres de 2 personnes avec balcons pour admirer la vue, une salle de bain avec wc, une salle de douche avec wc, un vaste séjour avec canapés, télévision, une cuisine équipée dinatoire avec terrasse. Barbecue, four à pizza etc…
Climatisation dans toutes les pièces y compris la cuisine.
Possibilité de couchages supplémentaires.
Machine à laver, grand réfrigérateur. Télévision et Wifi gratuit.
Parking pour plusieurs voitures.
Idéal amateur de randonnée et de nature.
Possibilité d’excursions.
Petit déjeuner offert avec produits frais, bio et locaux (fruits, œufs, huile d’olive etc…)
Voiture obligatoire
A 2h30 d’Athènes, 30 min de Kalamata.
Plage à 20 kilomètres (Kalo Nero, Agianaki, Kakovato…)
Aéroport à proximité : Kalamata, Athènes
A voir, à faire :
La ville de Kalamata : Visitez cette charmante station balnéaire, connue pour ses olives, mais aussi pour ses plages, son centre historique, son château bâti sur les hauteurs et sa vue imprenable.
Néda, une rivière entre gorges et cascades : D’une longueur de 32 km, La rivière de Néda traverse le Péloponnèse et l’Arcadie avant de se transformer en cascade à travers les gorges étroites et de se jeter dans le Golf de Kyparissiakos (mer Ionienne), près du village Giannitsohori.
Le site archéologique d’Olympie : L’Ancienne Olympie, le plus célèbre sanctuaire du monde antique, est le berceau des Jeux Olympiques. Visitez son stade antique, ses Temples et son Musée archéologique
Le temple d’Apollon Epikourios : Ce célèbre temple du dieu solaire et guérisseur, construit vers le milieu du Ve siècle av. J.-C., s’élève majestueusement au cœur du sanctuaire de Bassae, dans les montagnes arcadiennes. C’est l’un des monuments de l’antiquité classique les mieux préservés et un témoignage très impressionnant et évocateur de l’architecture grecque classique.
Le site archéologique d’Ithomi, l’ancienne Messène : Le site se trouve dans l’une des plus belles vallées du Péloponnèse, au pied d’une montagne sauvage, et probablement le mariage le plus réussi de ruines antiques avec la nature. La ville est célèbre pour son mur d’enceinte, parmi les plus grands de toute la Grèce classique et pour la fameuse porte d’Arcadie et son énorme linteau monolithe. Un stade monumental et ses gradins pouvant accueillir jusqu’à 5000 personnes, ainsi que les impressionnantes colonnes de portiques qui l’entourent, ont été dégagés et restaurés ces dernières années.
Les sources thermales de Kaiafa : Au lac Kaiafa, avec les eaux thermales qui sortent directement de la grotte, vous bénéficierez de l’hydrothérapie la plus naturelle, avec une vue sur les pins et les eucalyptus.
Agia Theodora : La chapelle Sainte Théodora est un phénomène unique et est l’un des sites religieux les plus populaires et les plus importants de Grèce. Située dans un paysage magnifique, plein de verdure, cette petite chapelle soutient 17 grands arbres qui émergent de sa toiture et de ses murs, tandis que leurs racines cachées passent à travers les murs pour atteindre le sol. Chaque arbre pèse près d’une tonne et s’étend à plus de 20 mètres de haut.
Mais aussi : 40 km de plage de sable déserte entre Kalo Nero et Pyrgo où les tortues Caretta Caretta viennent pondre leurs oeufs, la ville de Kyparissia et son château, de nombreux petits villages nichés dans les montagnes…

Accès des voyageurs

Villa Saint Nicolas
Villa without private rooms for 2 persons (6 people, possibility of extra beds), private pool, fruit garden and panoramic views of the olive tree fields. Breakfast offered.
The Villa is located outside the village of Psari in the heart of nature, surrounded by the mountains of the area and has a breathtaking view of the olive tree fields. It has a lush garden with fruit trees and olive trees.
In this garden are integrated several terraces, a swimming pool of 70 M² and 2.80M deep, as well as an outdoor shower.
The house on several levels (lift) offers 3 bedrooms for 2 people with balconies to admire the view, a bathroom with toilet, a shower room with toilet, a large living room with sofas, television, a kitchen equipped with a dining terrace. Barbecue, pizza oven etc …
Air conditioning in all rooms including the kitchen.
Possibility of extra beds.
Washing machine, large fridge. TV and free Wifi.
Parking space for several cars.
Ideal for hiking and nature-lovers.
Possibility of excursions.
Breakfast offered with fresh, organic and local products (fruits, eggs, olive oil etc …)
Mandatory car
2h30 from Athens, 30 minutes from Kalamata.
Beach at 20 kilometers (Kalo Nero, Agianaki, Kakovato …)
Nearest Airport: Kalamata, Athens
Things to see and do:
The city of Kalamata: Visit this charming seaside resort, known for its olives, but also for its beaches, its historic center, its castle built on the heights and its breathtaking view.
Neda river, through gorges and waterfalls: 32 km long, the Neda River crosses the Peloponnese and Arcadia before turning into waterfalls through the narrow gorges and flowing into the Gulf of Kyparissiakos (sea Ionian), near the village Giannitsohori
The archaeological site of Olympia: Ancient Olympia, the most famous sanctuary of the ancient world, is the cradle of the Olympic Games. Visit its ancient stadium, its temples and archaeological museum
Temple of Apollo Epikurios: This famous temple of the god of poetry, healing, the sun and light, was built around the middle of the fifth century BC. BC, majestically in the heart of the sanctuary of Bassae, in the Arcadian mountains. It is one of the best preserved classical antiquity monuments and a very impressive and evocative testimony of classical Greek architecture.
The archaeological site of Ithomi, the ancient Messene: The site is in one of the most beautiful valleys of Peloponnese, and probably the most successful marriage of ancient ruins with nature. The city is famous for its wall, among the largest in all classical Greece and for the famous Arcadia Gate and its huge monolithic lintel. A monumental stadium and its stands seating up to 5,000 people, as well as the impressive columns of porticoes that surround it, have been cleared and restored in recent years.
Kaiafa hot springs: At Kaiafa Lake, with the thermal waters that come directly from the cave, you will enjoy the most natural hydrotherapy, with a view of pines and eucalyptus.
Agia Theodora: The St. Theodora Chapel is a unique phenomenon and is one of the most popular and important religious sites in Greece. Located in a beautiful landscape, full of greenery, this small chapel supports 17 large trees that emerge from its roof and its walls, while their hidden roots pass through the walls to reach the ground. Each tree weighs nearly a ton and extends to more than 20 meters high.
But also: 40 km of deserted sandy beach between Kalo Nero and Pyrgo where “Caretta Caretta” sea turtles come to lay their eggs, the city of Kyparissia and its castle, many small villages nestled in the mountains …

Autres remarques

Things to see and do:
The city of Kalamata: Visit this charming seaside resort, known for its olives, but also for its beaches, its historic center, its castle built on the heights and its breathtaking view.
Neda river, through gorges and waterfalls: 32 km long, the Neda River crosses the Peloponnese and Arcadia before turning into waterfalls through the narrow gorges and flowing into the Gulf of Kyparissiakos (sea Ionian), near the village Giannitsohori
The archaeological site of Olympia: Ancient Olympia, the most famous sanctuary of the ancient world, is the cradle of the Olympic Games. Visit its ancient stadium, its temples and archaeological museum
Temple of Apollo Epikurios: This famous temple of the god of poetry, healing, the sun and light, was built around the middle of the fifth century BC. BC, majestically in the heart of the sanctuary of Bassae, in the Arcadian mountains. It is one of the best preserved classical antiquity monuments and a very impressive and evocative testimony of classical Greek architecture.
The archaeological site of Ithomi, the ancient Messene: The site is in one of the most beautiful valleys of Peloponnese, and probably the most successful marriage of ancient ruins with nature. The city is famous for its wall, among the largest in all classical Greece and for the famous Arcadia Gate and its huge monolithic lintel. A monumental stadium and its stands seating up to 5,000 people, as well as the impressive columns of porticoes that surround it, have been cleared and restored in recent years.
Kaiafa hot springs: At Kaiafa Lake, with the thermal waters that come directly from the cave, you will enjoy the most natural hydrotherapy, with a view of pines and eucalyptus.
Agia Theodora: The St. Theodora Chapel is a unique phenomenon and is one of the most popular and important religious sites in Greece. Located in a beautiful landscape, full of greenery, this small chapel supports 17 large trees that emerge from its roof and its walls, while their hidden roots pass through the walls to reach the ground. Each tree weighs nearly a ton and extends to more than 20 meters high.
But also: 40 km of deserted sandy beach between Kalo Nero and Pyrgo where “Caretta Caretta” sea turtles come to lay their eggs


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Dorio, Greece
37.2875828 21.8563189
Villa Saint Nicolas, pool, Péloponnèse CityCosy map image

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